In the iOS to Android ecosystem, if we are playing music and activate the device’s camera to record a video, the music that is playing stops automatically. This can be a problem when recording videos with music from this device, a feature that can be very useful when we have …
Read More »Apple Music will add new features in the next version of iOS video
The next version of iOS, which will be presented next month of June have to add quite a few changes regarding the current version, but all these changes are not marketing directly to operating system Yes, design updates or new features of the system, many of these improvements or changes …
Read More »Apple releases iOS 10.3.2 Developer beta 5
The guys at Cupertino have just released beta 5 iOS 10.3.2 for developers and not “regulatory week so” has gone through what this release may be related to a security error detected in the beta 4 IOS launched last Monday. In this sense there is nothing to indicate this potential …
Read More »It plays music in this tweak while you record video with your iPhone
In the iOS to Android ecosystem, if we are playing music and activate the device’s camera to record a video, the music that is playing stops automatically. This can be a problem when recording videos with music from this device, a feature that can be very useful when we have …
Read More »How to save the parking location with Google Maps
Since the release of iOS 10, Apple maps allow us to store in our device location of parking our car, a function that works in combination with CarPlay or the vehicle, that bluetooth once disconnected gives instructions to the device so that it stores the location. Since a few days …
Read More »Podcast 8 × 31: The Galaxy-S8-Gate
In a week in which rumors about iPhone 8 continue flooding the current technology in the world of Apple without just providing updates on what we know, went to talk about that right now is the reference in the world of smartphones. And as a first level, terminal not leaking …
Read More »How to save the parking location with Google Maps
Since the release of iOS 10, Apple maps allow us to store in our device location of parking our car, a function that works in combination with CarPlay or the vehicle, that bluetooth once disconnected gives instructions to the device so that it stores the location. Since a few days …
Read More »Podcast 8 × 31: The Galaxy-S8-Gate
In a week in which rumors about iPhone 8 continue flooding the current technology in the world of Apple without just providing updates on what we know, went to talk about that right now is the reference in the world of smartphones. And as a first level, terminal not leaking …
Read More »Xiaomi launches its smartwatch blatantly copying Apple Watch
When it seemed that Xiaomi was no longer blatantly copy designs from Apple, a subsidiary of Xiaomi, at least try to hide, has just presented a smarwatch that as we can see in the pictures who heads this article, it is a carbon copy of the Apple Watch, but not …
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