Apple has long being the leader in it comes to advertising. Since 1984 when he revolutionized the way to advertise with that announcement, evoking the “Big Brother” has been doing really interesting ads that leave no one indifferent. Makes little saw that ad rolled in the pool of a hotel of Barcelona, today touches another ad more, it have called ride and are going to take you a look together, since Apple believes that touches make you advertising to them AirPods in these dates where is usually consume much less if take as reference the month previous, when them shopping Christmas were in full boom.
Announcement is not entirely new, as it was released in other countries and how it can be another way, in the North American market. However, it has reached Spain the Spanish version of the same, where the only thing that changes is the language, how it could be otherwise. The protagonist of the same is Lil Bucks, a spectacular dancer American.
This would have us see the AirPods are also intended to move, to move both and as well as Lil Bucks does. Of this mode intended to ensure us that not be us van to fall do what hagamos, although sincerely not would deposit all my confidence in this.
Meanwhile, what if it is falling is the availability of these headphones so special from the Cupertino company, we find that it is hardly available units in less than a week. As not could be of another mode, in today iPhone have cast a look interesting to them AirPods of the hand of our companion Luis Padilla, so as, if like pass you by this review that us left and throw you a look to any of our articles corresponding to them AirPods to be well informed.