Many do not know this so peculiar as outdated payment method, and it is that many phone companies allow to make payments that will later be directly applied to our phone bill, something like a credit card but not so. As in full and total blockade of Apple Pay in Spain, we find that this system of payments through operator has received good news, it expands to a couple of European countries and other Asian. However, it does not seem that this will bring new banks to Apple Pay in Spain.
In final, the payments by operator arrive now to Italy and Austria in Europe, and to Singapore in Asia, expanding so more if fits your range of action. For those who do not know, in Belgium, Japan, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates it is already possible to make purchases with our mobile device that will be directly applied to our phone bill.
This is a double-edged, not only because of the ease of spending we can do, but also by the fright that can take us a few days later when our phone bill has gained significantly.
This type of payment is enabled for the content available on the iOS App Store, known as iBooks, as well as in Apple Music Apple Bookstore, the service music streaming on-demand that the Cupertino company puts at our disposal. In addition, this method of payment will be compatible both with the devices iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad), macOS and PC.
So, this is the latest addition to mobile payments is concerned in the Cupertino company environment, while in Spain since December Apple Pay is completely stopped and not add new banks.