2016 tonight, just a fateful year that will be remembered explosive batteries from Samsung, the death of music in all fields icons and another death of technological field, the by the Jack 3, 5 mm. However, there is an environment that far from disappearing, continues to grow, the environment of mobile applications. Will give you an overview to what have been the ten most downloaded applications on mobile devices, according to the latest study. As not could be of another mode, Facebook and Google, as companies, lead this field, and is that almost all are of its property, although surprisingly Apple has cast a, would to not know what has been?
THE study has been led to Cape by Nielsen and have arrived to the conclusion of that Facebook WINS by far, being installed in something more than 146 million of devices mobile, with their respective users around all the world. Closely following the leader, and for obvious reasons, we are Facebook Messenger, which rubs the 130 million installations.
It is now at Google, that Cup the posts from the third to the seventh, no less, with these applications: YouTube, Google Maps, Google Search, Google Play & Gmail respectively and in the same order. Not without leaving Facebook, is Instagram to reach eighth place with nearly 75 million users.
Apple also has its place in the list, penultimate, but not by that less interesting, and is that Apple Music is is present with almost 70 million of users unique in all the world, something that contrasts enough with the amount of users of payment that the company has reported. And finally, and not least, the giant of e-commerce, Amazon is still present, and more in Spanish municipalities how Roquetas de Mar, where sales at Amazon have grown a 197% over the past year.