Super Mario Run was presented during the Conference of Apple, which got to leave us all with their mouths open. When it comes to show us the game, they had to well tell us that the launch would be exclusive of iOS for a while, this time will not reach six months, without a doubt. However, although all may seem a wink to those users of Apple, the reality is much more dark that that. Nintendo knew that the only mode of get him something of money to a videogame mobile of those features was squeeze to the user of iOS, and thus is as has been. Are going to analyze why Nintendo launches in “exclusive” Super Mario Run for iOS and what was with this.
To understand the why, first we must analyse the market of applications mobile. On the one hand have iOS App Store, a market where the user is “accustomed” to pay by them applications, with a quantity of income that exceeds with grow to it of any store of software, the sky of them developers. On the other hand have Google Play, a market of applications full of advertising, shopping in-App and applications of dubious morality, el user of Android has to a just click the possibility of hack an application and save is the money.
The strategy, based on this is logical. If we launched “exclusive” video game on iOS, we will make a series of purchases that we will hardly get if we launched the game simultaneously, since the game is going to be pirated in mass for Android and iOS users will think (and rightly so) it is not worth spending €9,99. Of this mode, can launch the game “exclusively” for iOS, fuelling the hen of them eggs of gold and more afternoon arrive to Android to carry us the coins that is.
Had things been the method that Miyamoto has used to enter in the mobile game market. But seems to be that the user iOS not is so silly as he thought, and is that according to them analysts, only the 3% of them downloads of Super Mario Run is have developed in shopping, what leaves in evidence the quality of the video game are in accordance with me? Leave us your opinion in the case of comments or via Twitter.