A few weeks ago, began circulating a rumor that pointed to that Facebook had intended to launch an exclusive for Apple TV application, an application that would allow us to enjoy the videos of our wall in our House big screen, returning to copy for the umpteenth time to Twitter, who worked closely with Apple to launch an application of this type a few months ago and with which to enjoy matches of the NFL, which the company of Jack Dorsey had gotten the rights. More than one week ago Facebook confirmed that he was working on this application, application that is now available only for Apple TV.
But the Apple TV has not been the only device that you can enjoy videos from Facebook, since Samsung smart TVs also received this application a few days ago. In the description of the application Facebook tells us that through this application we can see any video available on the platform as well as those who have shared our friends or pages that follow, live videos that are broadcast from anywhere in the world and content related to it may be of interest.
This application also offers us the possibility to enjoy the videos, because stores a history detailed with all of them, so we don’t have to search for them again. So far the only way to see the videos from Facebook was through the AirPlay feature if we had an Apple TV, but it was one nuisance rather than a temporary solution. This application offers us a solution to this problem, one solution rather than valid and whose performance at the moment is being more than well, according to the impressions of the first users who already have had access to it.