The messaging platform that is becoming more popular among users, Telegram, continues to be a breeding ground where WhatsApp, in the hands of Facebook, is often inspire but less than usual, since the machinery of copy and paste is exclusively dedicated to the Facebook application. Are increasingly more users who are adopting Telegram as one of their favorite messaging applications thanks to the possibility of sharing GIFs, share any kind of document, synchronization between all devices where the application (which is cross-platform) is installed… If you have not yet tried, Telegram boys give us one more reason to do so: to delete messages sent to people both groups.
Safe that in more than one occasion have tucked the pata writing something that not have weighing, or have committed a lack of spelling absurd, or simply not ves suitable your comment. In these cases the most common comment usually Earth swallowing me. But with the update 3.16 number of Telegram, we can finally eliminate messages sent privately or in groups, remove them in such a way that they disappear from view of all users or only for our view. That Yes, the time available to do so is 48 hours.
Makes some few months, the application us allowed enjoy of them videos of YouTube making use of the function Picture-in-Picture, function that also is available for them videos that is displayed in others pages, not only in YouTube. In addition, you can also obtain more information about the use of our rate of data or Wifi connection that we do with the application, to verify at all times which has been Telegram traffic and if we have to start thinking about change the settings so that all the content that we send automatically discharging.